Strike A Pose With The Posing Professor

You've transformed your body . . . but have you transformed your posing?
Book Now To Work With JodiIn the bodybuilding and fitness competition world, we focus on the details for sculpting our muscles, choosing the correct macronutrients, weighing ourselves and our food, even watching the minutes of our cardio. But many competitors neglect to put that same drive and attention for detail into their posing work. Posing is a technical process that is often tougher than a workout. It requires time and patience and cannot be crammed, so don’t wait until the last minute. Long-term practice allows your posing to progress properly, and as they say, the devil’s in the details. Train with me, the Posing Professor, to feel comfortable and confident on stage and to ensure you display your best physique in the best way to the judges.
Being successful on a stage involves much more than just striking a pose. It requires confidence, personality, passion, and performance. I work hard with my posing clients to help them embody all of these attributes as well as learn the technical pieces to every single pose required on the stage while still maintaining their own sense of style, personality, and movement. I want my clients to pose like themselves, not just copy me.
Now, am I qualified to teach you how to pose, no matter what division you are in? Yes. Yes, I am. I have 20 years of experience across 4 different divisions at all different levels: local, regional, national, professional. I have competed in Texas as well as in 10 other states and even internationally twice! This means that I have stood in front of numerous sets of judges. So, after competing in over 45 shows, it is safe to say I know a little something about posing. The fact that I still compete means that I currently experience what you experience in the modern-era of bodybuilding. I am judged, critiqued, corrected, and awarded just like you are. I understand what you are going through.
On top of that, I was a high school English teacher and also worked in nonprofit education reform, teaching teachers how to teach. Teaching is my thing. I have a lifetime certification in the state of Texas for teaching secondary English. I. Can. Teach.
My promise to you: I will get you ready for the stage by utilizing meticulous, hands-on, and honest feedback with a direct approach as well as wit and humor. My beginners do not look like beginners. And my veterans shine even brighter.
Learn from me: The Posing Professor. And receive so much more. A True Mentor.
Monthly Workshops
Monthly posing workshops are held on the third or fourth Sunday of each month, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m The upcoming workshops dates are: April 28th, May 19th, and June 30th. CLICK HERE to register early or to purchase a 5-workshop package and save $$.
What Clients Are Saying!
“Posing got me beat in my first show, and I refused to let that happen again. I had no rhythm, no flow. After that experience I hired Jodi in preparation for my second show, and after just a couple of sessions with her, everything started to feel natural. Jodi knew how to relate to me, and she got everything to click for me. Working with Jodi has not only been a blessing with posing, but with life in general. I know I could text her about anything, and she would always find an answer for me.”
–Testimony from current client, Sierra Brooke, NPC Bikini